괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 평화의 주님 바라보아라
세상에서 시달린 친구들아 위로의 주님 바라보아라
눈을 들어 주를 보라 네 모든 염려 주께 맡겨라
슬플때에 주님의 얼굴 보라
사랑의 주님 안식 주리라
힘이없고 네마음 연약할 때 능력의 주님 바라보아라
주의 이름 부르는 모든 자는 힘주시고 늘 지켜주시리
눈을 들어 주를 보라 네 모든 염려 주께 맡겨라
슬플때에 주님의 얼굴 보라
사랑의 주님 안식주리라
자유 소프트웨어와 자유 지식을 위해 일하고 있는 소프트웨어 엔지니어의 생각들
Thoughts of a software engineer working for free software and free knowledge
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Christ and the fisherman
Christ and the fisherman 

Rouault was a stained class worker, in his works all objects have thik lines around them. His main motiv moved to the life and the passion of the Christ. During the second world war, he did not loose his devotion to Him. I saw a soul of a Christian artist who had wandered in his early life but settled down in the love of the Christ.

Rouault was a stained class worker, in his works all objects have thik lines around them. His main motiv moved to the life and the passion of the Christ. During the second world war, he did not loose his devotion to Him. I saw a soul of a Christian artist who had wandered in his early life but settled down in the love of the Christ.
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